Friday, 5 May 2017

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity, globally

(see Hanlon's razor).

It would be more or less great if climate change and bee dying were caused by malicious coal and pharma bosses who, Darth Vader-like, want to rule the world.

But then they would, in their intelligent malice, understand that are subverting their goals by killing off exactly the world they want to rule—if not for themselves, then for their children.

But they don't see it.

And my day-to-day experience with people has convinced me that even those who can and do think rationally in their selected field of expertise more or less completely fall back to their emotional instincts everywhere else—and this means stupidity.

What makes it even worse is that they themselves, by understanding their expertise, and by being praised by others, believe that they are rational over the "whole problem spectrum", so they are unable to become humble (which may be an example of Dunning-Kruger).

And therefore, they continue in their stupidity, which takes the world to be stable and unchanging everywhere, except where they intend to reshape it. But actually, they reshape all of our planet. And don't understand it. And will not understand it even when it crashes around them and on them and below them.

So, goodbye world.